Discover New Ways to Support Emory
Through our Momentum page, you have a number of opportunities to support Emory programs and projects through crowdfunding.

Support Food Security at Emory
For some Emory students, not knowing where their next nutritious meal will come from is a real challenge. Gifts to the Food Security Fund help fight food insecurity directly within the Emory student community by allowing students experiencing food insecurity to purchase their own food during breaks, while living off campus, and during remote learning.
Learn more about the Food Security FundSupport Diversity and Inclusion at Emory
Today, more than ever, we derive strength through the unity of our diverse body. Help support every member of our community by encouraging diversity through Emory’s diversity and inclusion efforts. These groups reach far beyond campus and the initiatives below provide financial support to make them possible.
Learn More about Diversity and Inclusion at Emory
Help Emory's Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Emory University is hard at work combating the COVID-19 pandemic from all sides—from cutting-edge research and urgent clinical care to public health education. The Emory COVID-19 Impact Fund has been established to enhance and accelerate the broad work already underway to conquer the new coronavirus.
Learn More about the COVID-19 Impact FundEmory started with a plan. Now it's your turn to plan.
Emory's success depends on your vision and generosity.